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Durham Strategic Plan Dashboard

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Create a Safer Community Together

Connected, Engaged, and Inclusive Communities

Innovative and High Performing Organization

Thriving and Vibrant Environment

Status Indicator: In Progress | On Hold | Complete/Ongoing

Initiative: 5.22 Conduct community resiliency planning

Thriving & Vibrant Environment


A healthy, resilient community is prepared to weather the irreversible impacts of climate change - and continue to thrive. We know that these impacts do not affect everyone in the City in the same way. Communities of low wealth and communities of color that are often the most vulnerable to climate impacts are also the least able to bounce back when disaster strikes. This initiative will conduct community resilience planning that will cocreate solutions. Solutions may include nature-based initiatives, such as planting more trees in urban heat islands, clean energy initiatives, such as installing solar and storage in Neighborhood Resilience Hubs, and coordinating services, education and outreach to help residents prepare and cope with climate-related and other emergencies.

Key Measures & Data Analysis

Climate vulnerability refers to the degree to which the environment, infrastructure, communities, and individuals of an area are at risk of being affected by climate change. A study in 2023 by the Environmental Defense Fund and Texas A&M University produced the U.S. Climate Vulnerability Index, a tool that quantifies the climate vulnerability of specific areas. This index combines environmental, social, economic, and infrastructure effects on neighborhood-level stability.  

Based on this index, 20% of Durham County residents are among the most vulnerable to climate change in the nation. 


Climate Vulnerability in Durham County

Why is it important?

Durham residents are already feeling the impacts of climate change: extreme heat, flooding, more frequent and severe storms, and worsening air pollution. An equitable, sustainable and collaborative Community Resilience Plan will ensure that our residents are better prepared to cope with climate impacts before, during and after an emergency.  

What have we been doing?

In 2018, the Central Pines Regional Council worked with the City of Durham and other local governments to complete the Triangle Regional Resilience Assessment. This assessment identified the risks faced by Triangle Communities.   

What's next?

This initiative is set to kick off in FY 2026. We will build upon the Triangle Regional Resilience Assessment to develop a Durham City/County Community Resilience Plan.

Budget and Management Services Department
Office of Performance and Innovation
Strategy and Performance Division