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Durham Strategic Plan Dashboard

Shared Economic

Create a Safer Community Together

Connected, Engaged, and Inclusive Communities

Innovative and High Performing Organization

Thriving and Vibrant Environment

Status Indicator: In Progress | On Hold | Complete/Ongoing

Initiative: 2.32 Study, Implement and evaluate retention strategies across public safety agencies

Creating a Safer Community Together


The team has developed two innovative recruitment tools as areas for further exploration. First, exploring pathways to provide childcare services to the families of public safety employees. Anecdotally, supervisors often hear that lack of appropriate childcare impacts employee decisions to call out from work, or more permanently leave the profession altogether. The provision of these services could greatly impact an employees’ ability to be available, both mentally and physically, for work assignments. 

Next, this initiative will look into increasing and improving educational incentives. Many first responders are motivated by the opportunity to learn new skills through training. The team envisions this might be accomplished by enhanced tuition reimbursement opportunities for employees and an educational leave benefit for use apart from one’s regular accruals.  

Key Measures & Data Analysis

Public Safety Vacancy Rates

Why is it important?

It is believed that these two strategies, the provision of childcare services for employees and enhanced educational opportunities, will greatly curb the attrition we have experienced in the public safety sector. Retaining employees is the ultimate goal of this initiative. The City of Durham has a long history of investing in employees, and this will further that commitment and demonstrate that the City is invested in employee success. 

What have we been doing?

The focus of our team has become the introduction of childcare services to public safety employees. Our team has contacted entities from a broad range of actors that have embarked on similar programs across the country. We have spoken with representatives from the following:

-San Diego Police Department

-Kinder Care Learning Centers

-The Town of Cary

-The City of Charleston (SC)

-Child Care Services Association

-Children's Campus (locally owned and operated child care program)

-The National Law Enforcement Foundation


In addition to researching other programs, our team has made recommendations to leaders and heard feedback on how to move forward.


Lastly, we have also started the process of planning survey instruments that will help guide our efforts and ensure we are having the most beneficial impact possible for our employees. Though the exact vendor has yet to be identified for production of the survey, we have spoken with several possible partners.



What's next?

While we knew from the outset this project was going to be an ambitious one, the team was encouraged once we started to gather information about similar successes in this field. However, as time has gone by, we have encountered barriers that have slowed our progress ever so slightly. Nonetheless, the project remains a viable one. The team has realized the importance of bringing stakeholders into the conversation now in order to continue to see results.

Budget and Management Services Department
Office of Performance and Innovation
Strategy and Performance Division