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Durham Strategic Plan Dashboard

Shared Economic

Create a Safer Community Together

Connected, Engaged, and Inclusive Communities

Innovative and High Performing Organization

Thriving and Vibrant Environment

Status Indicator: In Progress | On Hold | Complete/Ongoing

Initiative: 2.31 Establish innovative recruitment pathways

Creating a Safer Community Together


The goal of this initiative is to explore innovative strategies for enhancing recruitment efforts within the Durham Police Department. Given the critical need for staff and the rising attrition rates, recruiting has become increasingly crucial. To maintain the highest standard of community response, it is imperative that we bolster our recruitment and hiring efforts to ensure continued successful achievement of objectives.


Key Measures & Data Analysis

% of DPS Students Collegebound within 1yr

Why is it important?

Recruiting new police officers is important for creating a safer community by maintaining adequate staffing levels and enabling effective law enforcement. A diverse and well-staffed police force supports community policing strategies, fostering trust and cooperation with residents. Increased recruitment also allows officers time to engage with the community, building relationships and increasing visibility and availability. Succession planning and adaptability to changing demands are also key benefits, ensuring law enforcement agencies remain responsive, trustworthy, and well-prepared for the future.

What have we been doing?

  • NCCU Internship is still underway with two interns in different roles in the PD.
  • Requested guidance from BMS to utilize lapse salaries to fund the program for up to five (5) applicants for the 18 months.  BMS advised that sufficient budget for the program cannot be guaranteed future years. Therefore, BMS recommends submitting this request as a new budget request in the FY26 process to receive a full analysis and opportunity for new funding to sustain the program if approved.
  • Met with NCCU department chairs and agreed on a path forward for this program.

What's next?

  • Continue with the intern program.
  • Initiative is on hold pending funding requests for Fiscal Year 2025-2026.
  • NCCU staff will be preparing an MOU for this program.  Due to summer break, staff is not available but will put out a survey in August/September to gauge interest in participation.

Budget and Management Services Department
Office of Performance and Innovation
Strategy and Performance Division