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Durham Strategic Plan Dashboard

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Status Indicator: In Progress | On Hold | Complete/Ongoing

Initiative: 4.11 Develop retention strategies

Innovative & High Performing Organization


Retention strategies are essential for the City of Durham to preserve institutional knowledge and ensure continuity in service delivery. Over the course of their careers, employees develop expertise in handling complex tasks and an understanding of local policies. Experienced, high-performing employees play a crucial role in fostering a positive work culture, building trust with the community, and establishing long-term relationships that contribute to the city's stability and effective governance. 

Key Measures & Data Analysis

As more employees become eligible for retirement, it will be important for the City to develop more retention strategies that involve succession planning, continuing development of employees and continuing to make the City an attractive place to build a career. When employees decide to leave the organization, it is important to understand the factors that drove that decision so issues can be addressed if possible.

Full-time Employee Turnover

Why is it important?

Retaining employees with institutional knowledge and experience is essential for continuity of services and efficiency of City services. Implementing retention strategies can contribute to City staff feeling valued and supported, in turn raising morale and productivity. As older staff members begin to retire, having effective retention strategies allows talented staff to be placed in these roles, preventing knowledge gaps and minimizing disruptions in leadership. As many City staff work with residents and the broader community, having familiar faces lead to building trust and confidence in the City's ability to deliver services. 

What have we been doing?

  • Finalized benefits program
  • Completed the market pay phase of the class and comp project
  • Reviewing and updating policies
  • Developing exit interview survey format

What's next?

  • Administration of Employee Engagement Survey
  • Implementation of changes from the class and comp project
  • Launch exit interview survey

Budget and Management Services Department
Office of Performance and Innovation
Strategy and Performance Division