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Durham Strategic Plan Dashboard

Shared Economic

Create a Safer Community Together

Connected, Engaged, and Inclusive Communities

Innovative and High Performing Organization

Thriving and Vibrant Environment

Status Indicator: In Progress | On Hold | Complete/Ongoing

Initiative: 4.32 Promote a culture of service among employees

Innovative & High Performing Organization


A culture of service in local government is important because it is foundational to an organizational mindset and set of values that prioritize the needs and wellbeing of the community above all else. It entails a deep commitment among government employees to serve and support the residents they represent. This approach emphasizes responsiveness, accountability, and a genuine desire to address the public's concerns and deliver efficient and effective services. 

A culture of service fosters a strong sense of community engagement, increases public trust in the City of Durham as an institution and ultimately contributes to the overall prosperity of the City.   

Key Measures & Data Analysis

The level of engagement by employees is correlated with turnover. As the City works to promote a culture of service, this will be a key component in the effort to minimize turnover.

Full-time Employee Turnover

Why is it important?

Fostering a culture of service among employees is beneficial in building trust both with residents and among City employees. Approaching work with a culture of service mindset will enhance City employees' morale and desire to innovate, as well as promote effective customer service . A culture of service encourages City staff and leadership to remain transparent, adaptive, and committed to continuous improvement in delivering City services. 

What have we been doing?

  • Planning the Culture of Service Retreat for Fall 2024
  • Working with the vendor to develop the Employee Engagement Survey
  • Developing a way to incorporate culture of service into new employee orientation

What's next?

  • Coordinate the Culture of Service Retreat
  • Implement the Culture of Service Book Club
  • Develop a culture of service champions group

Budget and Management Services Department
Office of Performance and Innovation
Strategy and Performance Division