Status Indicator: In Progress |
On Hold |
Initiative: 1.32 Expand employment opportunities for individuals facing barriers to employment
Shared Economic Prosperity
Individuals facing barriers to employment, such as prior justice involvement, seen and unseen disabilities, skills and/or educational backgrounds that don't match current job opportunities, and lack of permanent housing, also face higher unemployment and discrimination in the workplace. This initiative aims to use the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program to connect individuals facing barriers to employment with resources, skill-building, training, and other wrap-around support.
Key Measures & Data Analysis
Updates on multiple programs that provide workforce development support to
justice involved individuals are as follows:
- Partners for Reentry Opportunities in Workforce Development (PROWD) Pathways to Home program: enrolled 52 new participants in February 2024, bringing the total number of participants to 106. Out of the total participants, 18 are scheduled to return to Durham area.
- Training2Work: 35 enrolled program participants
- 14 program participants have attained a credential (occupational skills training)
- 19 program participants have gained employment with a $15.14 average hourly salary
- Welcome Home: 64 enrolled program participants
- Has provided 900 peer support hours to returning residents
- 34 program participants have gained employment (while receiving WH services) with a $14.00 average hourly salary
- 6 program participants were connected to SSI assistance
NC Training 2 Work Program
Why is it important?
Assisting individuals facing barriers to employment is essential for fostering shared economic prosperity in a community. By promoting inclusivity and diversity in the workforce, communities can tap into untapped talents and skills, contributing to a more equitable economic environment. This can reduce income inequality, enhance social mobility, and strengthen community resilience by empowering a diverse workforce. Building a skilled workforce through inclusive employment practices attracts businesses, stimulates economic growth, and meets the diverse needs of the local labor market. Creating opportunities for individuals facing barriers to employment is a holistic strategy that benefits individuals, the workforce, and the community as a whole.
What have we been doing?
- Host an employer roundtable to discuss hiring practices for Justice Involved individuals.
- Host a jobseeker roundtable for Justice Involved individuals.
- Seek out employment opportunities for Justice Involved individuals.
- Create and deliver soft skills workshops at our NCWorks Career Center
What's next?
- Host Employer Roundtables with Partners for Reentry Opportunities in Workforce Development (PROWD), NC Training 2Work, and Pathways Home
- Host a Jobseeker roundtable (for Justice Involved individuals)
- Develop a jobseeker Job Club for Justice Involved individuals
- Work with the Career Center to create certificates of completion for completed workshops such as soft skills workshops in person
- Locate employers that are Justice Involved friendly
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