Status Indicator: In Progress |
On Hold |
Initiative: 1.21 Collaborate with educational and training institutions to equip current residents for high-growth industries
Shared Economic Prosperity
The City of Durham works closely with the Workforce Development Board to ensure our talent pipeline meets the talent demands of our regional employers and industry sector leaders. Through customized training, on-the-job training, work experience and other work-based learning approaches, the DWDB partners with Durham Tech Community College, skill-based trainers, and area employers to provide targeted and specific up-skilling training leading to entry level positions in high demand industries in Durham.
Key Measures & Data Analysis
This measure is being developed. Check back soon to see updates.
Why is it important?
Collaborating with local educational and training institutions is essential for equipping community members with in-demand job skills. Expanding partnerships with educational and training institutions ensures that training programs align with the specific needs of local industries, offering relevant and up-to-date skills. Accessibility is improved, reducing barriers for community members to participate in training programs. Customized programs can be developed to target specific industries, fostering a direct connection between skills acquired and available job opportunities. Networking opportunities with businesses in the community also facilitate job placement, internships, and apprenticeships. Overall, these collaborations contribute to economic development, lifelong learning, and community engagement, promoting the ongoing success and competitiveness of the local workforce.
What have we been doing?
NC Commerce - Durham WDB partnership. The DWDB applied for and was successfully awarded a $35,000 Sector Planning Grant to work with area employers to develop a strategic approach that will better align skill development and talent demands of key, high-demand employment sectors in our regional and local area.
The Governor’s Office. The Durham WDB joined in a collaborative partnership comprised of 8 regional Workforce Development Boards, 11 Community Colleges, and 3 Higher Education Institutions in Advance NC, an initiative launched by Governor Cooper to ensure a capable talent pipeline aligned with the sector needs of regional advanced manufacturing.
BULLS Initiative, Building Up Local Life Sciences is a collaborative partnership between Made in Durham, Durham Technical Community College and NC Biotechnology Center. The City of Durham supports this initiative through a $150,000 investment towards funding the operations of this project, resulting in: Industry analysis to gauge expansion; an Economic Mobility Study to determine the current state of economic mobility for Durham residents, specifically residents of color to allow for the benchmarking of program improvements; Landscape Analysis to update the 2014 Landscape Analysis of Durham’s education to career system, comprised of: 1) Community-based Organization Engagement, 2) Education Engagement, and 3) Corporate Engagement; and Corporate Placement/Alumni Association supporting pathways for BULLS Life Science Academy participants to ensure employment upon completion of the program. Additionally, Made in Durham will also create and staff a BULLS Alumni Association to ensure ongoing support for BULLS participants in their ongoing economic mobility journey.
What's next?
- Provide continued support for training and development of talent to meet the advanced manufacturing and other STEM-related career skill demands.
- Continuing support for entrepreneurial training for individuals interested in starting their own business as small business owners as well as those interested in providing resources and products in the supply chain.
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