Status Indicator: In Progress |
On Hold |
Initiative: 4.31 Invest, monitor, and evaluate recovery and renewal resources
Innovative & High Performing Organization
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 was signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021, providing U.S. cities and counties with $130.2 billion through December 31, 2024. The City of Durham has received an allocation of these funds totaling $51,881,733. The ARPA team consist of the following staff: in Budget and Management Services (2) – one (1) Grants Manger and one (1) Grants Management Specialist; in Finance Department – one (1) Senior Grants Accountant and active recruitment for an additional one (1) Grants Management Accountant. In collaboration with the City Attorney’s Office, staff supports the allocation and evaluation of fund distribution to positively affect the community while responding to negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Key Measures & Data Analysis
Utilizing Submittable Portal for all grantees, the ARPA Team has been successfully monitoring contractual agreements, performance award updates, and reporting for invoices remitted from subrecipients.
Continued grant management education, joint City/County meetings, and information gathering have led to a clean internal audit and $5.4M remitted of $19M.
The ARPA Team looks forward to continuing to monitor performance and track project progress.
ARPA Funds Distributed
Why is it important?
ARPA funded programs serve to help advance economic recovery to communities and households that were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The inter-departmental collaboration of the ARPA Team allows for monitoring and compliance in accordance with federal guidelines. Interdepartmental collaboration, also, provides a robust foundation for the Team to support the capacity of nonprofit organizations to manage grant funds.
What have we been doing?
Submittable portal is fully functional and used by all subrecipients with executed contracts. Contractual monitoring and Treasury reports continue.
In the most recent performance audit by the Audit Services, the ARPA Team had no findings and was commended in its ongoing monitoring processes and policies developed.
What's next?
The ARPA Team will continue to hold open office hours, complete desk reviews, site visits, and related performance measures for subrecipients.
All contracts that are remaining for obligation will be completed by the end of Q3 and develop formal procedures engagement as outlined in the City's ARPA Policy.
City Website Home Page: Durham, NC | Official Website (
Budget Website Page: Budget & Management Services Department | Durham, NC (
Budget and Management Services Department
Office of Performance and Innovation
Strategy and Performance Division