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Durham Strategic Plan Dashboard

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Status Indicator: In Progress | On Hold | Complete/Ongoing

Initiative: 4.33 Enhance interdepartmental collaboration in the development review process

Innovative & High Performing Organization


This initiative has been created to enhance coordination and collaboration on development review related matters. It will be focused on improving available guidance on when collaboration pertaining to the development process should be happening, how it should be happening, and who will coordinate the collaboration.  It will also assist in formalizing a process for escalating development process related issues if collaboration is not resulting in solutions in a timely manner. 

Key Measures & Data Analysis

This chart shows the total by-right and legislative cases processed by the Durham City-County Planning Department for each of the past six fiscal years. The data demonstrates a fairly consistent trend in both the volume and type of cases being processed from year to year.

Development Cases Processed:

Why is it important?

Citizens, developers, design professionals, and city staff will benefit from this initiative because the paths to communication and collaboration as they pertain to the  development process will be enhanced by creating greater transparency and more predictability. 

What have we been doing?

The Development Ombuds Program has been created to monitor and facilitate resolution of technical and operational challenges related to the development process, and to carry out the actions necessary to make progress on this initiative. The program is currently staffed by one full time employee in the role of Development Administrator. Over the past five months, the Development Administrator has met with members of 24 separate partner workgroup divisions, each of which can be integral to the development review process, to gain an understanding of their respective roles. As a result of these discussions, process maps are being developed and will be used to provide content for an Ombuds Program website. In addition, the Development Administrator has coordinated with Durham City and County staff on several development projects that are currently in the review process.

What's next?

We will continue to grow and strengthen the existing communication systems pertaining to the development process. The Development Administrator will be working to provide access to information that will help the ever-growing public better understand the development process in Durham. These efforts will provide tools to help stakeholders better collaborate with local officials in regard to the development process. Lastly, the Development Administrator will be involved in the integration of a new development tracking software system that will replace the existing Land Development Office (LDO) system.  The new software will be used by both City and County staff members as well as the public for a variety of development related tasks.

Budget and Management Services Department
Office of Performance and Innovation
Strategy and Performance Division