Status Indicator: In Progress |
On Hold |
Initiative: 5.32 Explore strategies to establish a circular economy
Thriving & Vibrant Environment
A circular economy is a cooperative model that continuously turns waste into resources by locally recirculating materials for reuse and remanufacture. Establishing a circular economy in Durham will help protect the environment, reduce natural resource dependence, create jobs, and save money.
Key Measures & Data Analysis
There are currently 13 identified "Repurpose/Reuse Partners" consistent value of 13 from November 2023 to June 2024, indicating stable partner engagement. In FY 2025 we plan to maintain existing relationships/partnerships and identify other potential partners.
Number of repurpose/reuse partners
Why is it important?
In practice, a circular economy diverts waste from the landfill by diverting usable materials and conserving valuable land. When a material is no longer useful for its original purpose, it can be kept within the economy via recycling, repurpose, reuse, and repair when properly diverted, where markets and a skilled workforce exist. Products and materials can be productively used again and again. This would help the City reduce its environmental impacts, such as energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Like energy efficiency efforts, establishing a circular economy will help the City be less reliant on scarce resources such as fossil fuels. Finally, in the long-term, a circular economy promotes sustainable consumption and production practices which benefit both the City and residents.
What have we been doing?
1. Staffing and Support for Reuse Hub
We have a dedicated staff for our Reuse Hub for at least the next year.
2. Extensive Stakeholder Analysis
An extensive stakeholder analysis has been conducted to understand the needs and expectations of the community, local businesses, and other key stakeholders. This analysis has provided valuable insights into how the Reuse Hub can best serve the community, identify potential partnerships, and highlight areas for improvement in our reuse and sustainability efforts.
3. Planning for Implementation and Design Phases of the Reuse Hub
We are in the early stages of planning the implementation and design phases of the Reuse Hub.
4. Pilot Events
To generate interest and gather feedback, we have organized several pilot events. These events have been crucial in testing our processes, engaging with the community, and refining our approach based on real-world interactions. The feedback collected during these pilot events has been invaluable in shaping the final design and operational plans for the Reuse Hub.
What's next?
1. Building on Stakeholder Visioning
We are developing a strategic plan that builds on the insights and feedback gathered during our stakeholder visioning sessions. This plan will outline our long-term goals and initiatives, ensuring they align with the community's needs and expectations. By incorporating stakeholder input, we aim to create a more inclusive and effective strategy for our sustainability efforts.
2. First Draft of the Wise Wise Event Guide
The Wise Wise Event Guide, developed in collaboration with Keep Durham Beautiful and Duke University students, is now available on our website. This comprehensive guide offers best practices and practical tips for organizing eco-friendly events, covering topics such as waste reduction, recycling, energy efficiency, and sustainable sourcing. It is an invaluable resource for event planners aiming to minimize environmental impact and promote sustainability.
3. Intern Exploration of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installations on the Decommissioned Landfill
General Services has hired an intern to explore the potential of installing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on the decommissioned landfill site. This project involves assessing the feasibility, environmental benefits, and potential energy outputs of such installations. The findings will help us determine the viability of transforming the landfill into a renewable energy source, contributing to our overall sustainability goals.
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