Status Indicator: In Progress |
On Hold |
Initiative: 5.33 Explore new services to help divert more waste
Thriving & Vibrant Environment
Waste diversion describes redirecting waste from landfills to some other point through options like reduction, reuse, repurposing, composting, or recycling. Diverting waste has significant environmental benefits over landfilling. Additionally, there are an estimated 20-25 years left in the current “airspace” (measured in cubic yards) of the landfill that Durham uses, and as space continues to fill, landfilling costs will likely continue to rise, and diversion options could become more financially advantageous as well as environmentally preferable.
Key Measures & Data Analysis
The Waste Diversion Rate fluctuated over the past year, peaking at 32.73% in September 2023 and dropping to 26.82% in June 2024. The goal in FY 2025 is to stabilize and increase waste diversion rates and identify factors that contribute to fluctuations and decreases in waste diversion rates.
Impact of service expansion
Why is it important?
Exploring new services to divert more waste now is a proactive approach to stave off the inevitable. Currently, we send valuable resources to the landfill. Developing new services or markets as well as fully and properly utilizing currently existing services and markets will help to use, the materials to their fullest potential instead, for the economic and environmental benefit of impacted communities. For example, reducing and diverting food waste creates the value-added material, compost, that can beneficially be used and sold locally, while saving space, and reducing the amount of emissions from landfills.
What have we been doing?
1. Waste Diversion Events Calendar and Events
We are still working to develop a comprehensive Waste Diversion Events Calendar, listing all upcoming events focused on waste reduction and recycling. These events may include shredding events, events like the pumpkin drive and Christmas tree collections, compost bin sales, and educational workshops. The intent is for a calendar that is regularly updated and available on our website, providing residents with easy access to event information and encouraging community participation in waste diversion efforts.
2. Planning and Coordination of E-Waste and Shredding Events
We are planning an E-Waste and Shredding Event for this fall. The event provides a convenient and secure way for residents to dispose of electronic waste and confidential documents. By partnering with certified recyclers and shredding services, we ensure that these materials are handled responsibly, preventing environmental contamination and identity theft.
3. Composting Bin Sale/Event
Our recent Composting Bin Sale/Event was a great success. We provided compost bins at a discounted rate and offered support on composting best practices. The event aimed to encourage composting within the community, reducing organic waste sent to landfills and promoting sustainable gardening. The positive response from residents indicates a growing interest in composting and sustainable living.
4. Established a Tool and Locations for Pilot Food Waste Drop-Off Sites
We have established a new tool and identified key locations for pilot food waste drop-off sites, specifically at the Waste Diversion and Recycling Center (WDRC) and City Hall. These drop-off sites are designed to make food waste recycling more accessible to residents, helping to divert organic waste from landfills. The pilot program will provide valuable data on participation rates and operational logistics, guiding the expansion of food waste recycling initiatives in the future.
What's next?
Reestablished E-Waste and Shredding Event
We are reestablishing our E-Waste and Shredding Event to provide residents with a secure and environmentally friendly way to dispose of electronic waste and confidential documents.
Second Annual Pumpkin Drop Event
We are planning our Second Annual Pumpkin Drop Event to encourage the recycling of pumpkins after Halloween. This event helps divert organic waste from landfills and promotes composting practices within the community.
Progress on the Yard Waste Site Work
A firm was selected for the Yard Waste site enhancement. Once complete, this project will improve our overall waste management operations and support our sustainability goals.
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