Status Indicator: In Progress |
On Hold |
Initiative: 2.21 Develop a coordinated cycle of joint community safety events
Creating a Safer Community Together
The best way to ensure the safety of the community is to prevent harmful events from occurring. A coordinated cycle of joint community safety events provides an opportunity to amplify event capacity and allows residents to plan for attending the events that are important to them. At these events, residents will gain the knowledge and skills to protect their families and they will also be able to talk directly with city public safety employees about other safety needs. Joint programming ensures all facets of public safety are covered and shows the community that we are all part of the same team.
Key Measures & Data Analysis
The number of joint events remains in the 2 per month range for the last quarter. There is typically one large event per quarter that pulls together all the departments. A target has not yet been set due to lack of confidence in the reported number of joint events. Once the combined dashboard is operational, records will be more accurate, and we will be better able to set targets based on actual past performance and expected use of resources in FY25.
Joint Community Safety Events
Why is it important?
Departments have been collaborating for years on public safety events. However, it was usually through word of mouth or direct invitation that one department knew what another department was planning. With a shared calendar, departments will be able to see all the events and actively offer assistance at another department’s event if they know it is happening and have time to attend. That has the potential to amplify the capacity at events. Additionally, community members will have access to a publicly-facing calendar so they can attend the programs they need.
What have we been doing?
During June, a Teams Group was established for the intiative and the internal calendar was created.
What's next?
- Populate the internal calendar of events
- Develop a schedule of joint events
- Create a combined datahub event record
- Create a combined event dashboard
- Develop an external calendar
- Increase cross-department participation in programs
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