Status Indicator: In Progress |
On Hold |
Initiative: 4.22 Advance business contracting with underutilized businesses
Innovative & High Performing Organization
City procurement and spending that reflect resident demographics is a key mayoral and council priority. It is the policy of the State of NC to encourage and promote the use of small contractors, minority contractors, physically handicapped contractors, and women contractors in State procurement of goods and services. COD facilitates this mission in accordance with Part II, Chapter 18, Article III, the Equal Business Opportunity Program (EBOP). This article establishes a plan to help ensure that the City's contracting practices provide equal opportunities for City contracting for underutilized business enterprises owned by minorities and women, doing business in the City's contracting marketplace.
Currently, the City structure from a Finance Department perspective is geared towards compliance with the EBOP ordinance, which is heavily focused on large construction contracts and professional services. Having a Minority and Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Coordinator would advance marketing and promoting strategies, and advancing potential City contracting opportunities, whether large or small.
Key Measures & Data Analysis
In order to invest in and build a diverse business economy in the City, there is a need to further engage with UBEs. The number of City UBE members was 201 in December 2023. As of June 30, 2024, UBE members currently stand at 470. As the City continues to refine reporting processes, increase UBE certification support, and expand outreach to UBE’s this number will continue to increase.
Underutilized Business Enterprise (UBE)
Why is it important?
Advancing business contracting with underutilized businesses furthers an innovative and high performing organization by supporting the award of contracts to Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs). This initiative continues to move the needle by promoting contracting opportunities within the City and promoting equitable contracting initiatives. Underutilized and Small Local Businesses will receive additional contracts which will increase their overall company profitability.
What have we been doing?
Requested a MWBE Coordinator Position – New position submitted with the official Budget process.
Reporting – Refined multiple reports to assist with minority participation data collection on a quarterly and annual basis. Multiple reports were revised to track certified underutilized business enterprise vendors and associated data elements (race, gender, certification status, certification start and end dates).
EBOP Ordinance 14907 – Ordinance was updated to reflect the changes to the administrative structure of the program, to develop a policy that is consistent with other North Carolina Supplier Diversity programs and to update the sunset date. Revised ordinance was adopted by City Council on April 1, 2024. An EBOP Policy was created and is moving within the policy portal for review and approval.
Underutilized Business Enterprises (UBE) vendors - Increased the number of UBE vendors with the City of Durham from 201 to 470. See performance measure below.
Expand Outreach – Attended County events, and Raleigh’s 25th Annual Small Business Expo to increase the City’s visibility. Surveyed current City of Durham certified UBE vendors to determine procurement barriers.
What's next?
Request MWBE Coordinator Position – Evaluate this milestone and staff responsibilities. Resubmit the MWBE position request for the FY2026 budget.
HUB Certification – Identify staffing to evaluate MWBE City vendors and assist with HUB certification.
Expand Outreach – Establish more outreach activities with goals of increasing City visibility, educating businesses on how to become a vendor and do business with the City and recruiting new businesses to our EBOP and Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) programs. Compile and evaluate the UBE Procurement Barrier Survey results. Continue to train City staff on the importance of EBOP.
EBOP Ordinance 14907 – Move the EBOP Policy to completion in the Policy Portal.
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Office of Performance and Innovation
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